Sunday 28 June 2015

Narrative theory - Album poster - Oasis - Be here now


The band are shown to be the heroes as they are making a statement and appear to be cool and heroic to their fans. The villain could be anyone who tries to get in the way of the band and criticise them and in this case they might be the owner of the car.  


The binary opposites here are quite obvious, there is the Rolls Royce car in a pool which contrast as the water is ruining the car, another opposite is the band and the setting of the album. There is an opposite of rich vs poor or well off vs less fortunate, this is because the picture shows materialistic things such as a big house, expensive car and a massive garden with a pool and the band are more stereotypically associated with not having a lot of money, just getting by and being unfortunate which is a stereotype associated with the indie genre.  


The normal and original equilibrium would be the garden to be immaculate and everything to be perfect and in place, the disruption is the Rolls Royce in the swimming pool which shows the band causing controversy but being 'cool'. As there does not appear to be any  resolution the new equilibrium is that the car can stay in the pool and that the band have succeeded in making a statement.  


The main code seen in this album poster is the semantic code as the audience is directed towards an additional meaning by the way of connotation, for example, you would see this and think who did it is an idiot and stupid but it actually portrays the band to be cool and very rock and roll.

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