Tuesday 16 June 2015

Analysis of music videos - The Courteeners - Why Are You So In Love With A Notion?

Use of camera

There are various camera shots used in this music video, there are mostly close ups and extreme close ups of the couple and their life together and facial expressions; e.g. close ups of cigarettes and alcohol shows their type of lifestyle. There are also close ups of Liam Fray the lead singer of the band this could be due to the fact he has a personal fan base away from the band and this will accentuate his relationship with the audience. Medium close ups and long shots are also used to show the band which connotes they are united together and want to show the audience that they can play instruments and are talented musicians.

Pace and rhythm of editing

There are many montage clips of the couple and their lifestyle involving drinking and partying which can represent their fast pace lives. The video is also set in black and white which can signify it is all in the past and maybe this is a relationship which has now ended? There is a lot of significant editing towards the end of the video where the clips rewind and go from end to start which supports the idea of someone thinking back of their past relationship. The beat of the music is fast pace which is parallel to the music video which makes it fluent and easy to follow.

Genre ingredients

As the song and video is based upon a love story this is reinforces the ideas that indie music is mainly about love and heartbreak, but also another code and convention that indie artists are obsessed with illegal substances such as drugs and having crazy lifestyles which is shown in the video.

Audience and text

The audience do have a connection with the artist and this is to maintain the current relationship between the band and their existing fan base and this is why you see a lot of the band throughout the video and it is neither dominated by narrative or performance. The video keeps the audience engaged and connected in the couples relationship and this can create enigma as the audience are interested in the young couple's lives.

Type of video and lyrics

The video is a hybrid of performance/band and narrative, however, it is mostly focused on the narrative and the story of the couple potentially because the video is essentially a visual image of the lyrics which is very much about a love story which may be relate-able to the viewers. This band in particular clearly sell records from their music but also because of their appearance and their appealing 'look'.

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