Tuesday 16 June 2015

Analysis of music videos - Arctic Monkeys - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?

Use of camera

The camera shots are mostly focused on the main character which is Alex Turner; the lead singer of the band. Aside from a few medium shots of his friends at the bar, there are mainly close ups and medium close ups of him and a few friends at the beginning but majority are of him on his own to show his facial expressions. The camera appears to be hand held due to the fuzzy and unstable clips which can signify his mind-set after having drugs and alcohol in his system, the camera ability represents his brain functioning which appears to be shaky and on edge.

Pace and rhythm of editing

The character in the music video is stumbling to the pace and rhythm of the music which is slow and shaky, yet again to resemble his mind-set and thoughts. There are lots of straight cuts to create verisimilitude and to bring the video to life, alongside this there is loads of cross cutting from Alex and to the images he thinks he is seeing, this emphasises how he is not in a stable state and adds to the narrative.

Genre ingredients

The indie genre is represented within the video as it has a very original and 'individual' style, not your typical music video from any type of artist. The appearance and costume of the lead character also reinforces codes and conventions of the indie genre as he has slicked back gelled hair and a black leather jacket that is commonly associated with the indie style. The video is based on drugs, alcohol and sex which are a theme that runs throughout many indie bands and is associated with the indie genre.

Audience and text

The video can create a close bond between the main character who is also the lead singer of the band and the audience, also the video would be appreciated by the existing fan base of Alex Turner as practically the whole video is focused on him and the close ups makes it more personal as you do not see or connect with anyone else. There is no performance in the video or many clips of other members of the band which shows they sell their products on the basis of their sound rather than their appearance which is different to other boy bands from genres such as pop.

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