Tuesday 16 June 2015

Analysis of music videos - The Stone Roses - I Wanna be Adored

Use of camera

For use of camera there was mainly medium and long shots of the lead singer Ian Brown and the rest of the band as the video is all about the performance and has no narrative or story underlying it. The beginning of the video is a pan across a desert like setting and you can see the band walking through and this creates enigma and shows the band are not all about fancy backgrounds as they keep the video simple which draws more attention to their music which is what sells the band rather than their appearance and fancy videos. There are close ups of the band individually and also long shots of them together to show they are united but also are individual and have their own personality, this is emphasized by several zoom ins.

Pace and rhythm of edit

The pace and rhythm is parallel to the music and the dancing of the lead singer syncs with the pace and rhythm of the editing. There is cross cutting from the lead singer to the band and also to the setting which shows a relationship between the singers. There are also many jump cuts which fits the song and the video is fluent with the pace and rhythm. The colours are also purply tones and earthy tones which is very plain and this is a good alternative to a coloured video for an indie genre as it doesn't distract from the band.

Genre ingredients

This video fits with the genre of a typical indie band and video as it is all about the band and the music as the only images you see is the band, there is no story or message in the video and there is no visual imagery to represent the lyrics either. It is slow and serious which connotes a negative atmosphere and is typical of an indie band as they are known to be depressing and sad.

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