Wednesday 23 September 2015

Location scouting

To not only visualise but understand our video further, we went out to scout for locations/settings to be used in our piece.


The pub setting will be key to our video as it represents some of the main conventions of the youth stereotype we are identifying such as drinking, smoking, fights and 'playful banter' between friends. 

Small 'corner' shop

This setting creates anchorage for the viewer, helping the characters (who represent the band) feel more familiar, establishing a connection between the band and audience which conforms to the indie genre as this is often an ideal of their persona. It also helps to set up the stereotypcial youth stealing from small shops scenario to be used in our video. 


Streets also create anchorage, and also signify that the characters, the band, are very much on par with the general public as they come from the same background, a standard road. 

Train stations

Train stations offer the perfect set up for our characters to be seen in a well known public atmosphere, grounding them in reality and helping the video establish the codes and conventions of the indie genre further.

Chip shop

The chip shop is to be used in our video to show our characters together, not eating fancy and glamourous, but working class. This, like other locations, puts them on the same level as the audience and conforms to the stereotpye of youth eating 'rubbish'. 

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