Wednesday 9 December 2015

Evaluation Question 4 - 'How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'

Evaluation question 3 - 'What have you learned from your audience feedback?' + Survey results

We also conducted a survey for our audience feedback:

In my private screening/audience focus group of our music video all of the feedback was very positive; there were comments such as ‘good camera shots’, ‘message is given clearly’ and ‘nice flow and rhythm’ which can all be seen above.  The majority of the comments made at the private screening were that they liked the editing and the pace of the video, this is particularly pleasing to see as we amended the editing various times throughout the post production stage. For example, we started off with the music being completely out of sync with the footage and thought that that was average, we started to improve our skills and editing by synching the montage footage with the beats of the song as that fitted well and made our video look neater and cleaner. We showed our class this and got interim feedback from them saying that the editing was still sloppy in places, we took this criticism on board and therefore changed the whole video pace and rhythm so that it fitted beautifully with the video footage and shots. This made our video look a lot better as the editing was sharp, neat and added to the narrative, the amendments we made clearly made a difference as the audience feedback clearly shows that the comments made about our editing were very good and positive.

We also created a survey on survey monkey about our promotional package as a whole so we could get audience feedback on our digi pack and advert as well as our music video, the results are presented above via slideshare. The results for our audience feedback were slightly mixed but the majority were positive comments; for example, when asked if they liked our promotional package 66% agreed and 22% strongly agreed. A further 77% said that they thought it fit our genre and 44% said they would purchase the promotional package in store due to reasons such as ‘very appealing to my age range’ and ‘looks good and interests me’. The majority (55%) of people who answered the survey were aged 18-24 which is good as our target audience was also around this age bracket as we thought that the narrative and themes of our indie promotional package would be best fitting and more relevant to younger people. Despite all of the positive feedback we also had some neutral feedback and some criticism from the survey; for example, 11% were neutral as to whether they liked our promotional package and 11% also said they would not purchase our promotional package in store because it wasn’t their favourite genre. Furthermore, the fact that 22% said that only sometimes did it feel that the package actually fit the indie genre; this means we could improve it by adding more familiar codes and conventions of the indie genre and also making the genre more clear via. More vivid themes and attitudes. 

Evaluation question 2 - 'How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?'

Evaluation question 1 - 'In what ways for does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?'